Arpeggiate every chord in all inversions. Play the modes relative to each chord, including possible ‘alternate’ modes. – Improvise on chord tones only. – Add scale/mode tones as *passing* notes (always resolve on chord notes) – Add chromatic passing notes in the same fashion. – Play the ‘big scale’. This means, play a continuous stream…Continue reading Practicing a jazz tune
Category: Jazz
Transitioning from classical piano to jazz piano
Many classically trained pianists are interested in learning jazz piano. Classical training will help physically but not a lot mentally. Your ability to play notes, chords, runs, etc, will all be very useful and put you ahead of the learning curve. That said, jazz is mentally a fundamentally different way of approaching music. Some classical people…Continue reading Transitioning from classical piano to jazz piano
Learning Jazz Piano: The Process
What skills are required to play jazz piano? What should you expect to learn from a jazz piano teacher? Improvisation: The element that defines jazz, improvisation is in large part about self-confidence, risk-taking, and the will to explore and experiment. But jazz piano improvisation also involves tools that can be studied both theoretically and practically:…Continue reading Learning Jazz Piano: The Process
Wise Quotes
“The mind wanders here and there. It’s thoughts are persuasive. It’s ramblings seem impressive. But when one’s mind becomes still, ah, then the music begins!” “Our only defense in this world, which features seemingly random barriers and cruelties is to develop self love and determination from within. This is difficult, to be sure, but possible…Continue reading Wise Quotes
Jazz theory of improvisation
Jazz theory of improvising over melody, chords and structure. Some improv styles may combine elements of all three areas Improvise on the Melody Paraphrasing Adding to the Melody Changing the Rhythmic content Ornamenting or Embellishing Improvising on the Harmony Harmonic Generalization Tonic Triad Diatonic Major Blues Scale Minor Blues Scale Cliches & Quotes Harmonically Specific…Continue reading Jazz theory of improvisation
Jazz improvisation at fast tempos
When playing over a fast tune, don’t get caught up in the chord progression that much. Just keep in mind key centers. If you try to play each individual chord/scale association , then it will just sound like you are playing chord by chord instead of thinking of the tune as a whole. Often when…Continue reading Jazz improvisation at fast tempos
Swing Analyzed
From: New Scientist vol 168 issue 2270 – 23 December 2000, page 48 “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing. But what is swing? Whenthe musical West Side Story opened in London in 1958 the producers had a real problem. They didn’t know who should occupy the drum stool. Leonard Bernstein’s score was…Continue reading Swing Analyzed
Performance Anxiety
Different people respond differently to stress as we all know. Some thrive while others worry, deflate… One thing we all have in common however, is the we all need to breath to stay alive. As simple as it may sound, ‘don’t forget to breath’! You have probably heard it from lots of people. Here are…Continue reading Performance Anxiety